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biko a écrit:Salam Hadamarémé
Je pense qu'il serait grand temps aux africains de se prendre en main.
La création d'entreprise ou la mise sur pied de projets en Afrique est une chose fondamentale."Qui ne tente rien,n'a rien "
Je pense que tu cherches a savoir si il existe des bailleurs de fonds étrangers qui finances des projets pour des africains au pays?
Cela doit exister,faut voir avec les missions de coopération,mais je pense que les freres et soeurs ont peut etre plus de tuyaux que moi sur ce
coolmiss a écrit:chaque village a déjà sa coopérative, non!
fatou a écrit:au sénégal il y a l'APIX et c'est possible de créer son entreprise en 48h avec les delais administratifs au minimum. les soninkés ne sont pas entrepreneurs. sinon on a beaucoup de talents.
qweff110 a écrit:For cheaters, it's a good time to be alive because cheating has never been easier. Several large hookup
websites function solely as discreet services for extramarital dating, and they do so without shame. They
even tutor you on how not to get caught.
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To make matters even more favorable, divorce has lost its social stigma. Cheating didn't cause that -- not
directly at least -- but as a fact it favors the cheaters. Furthermore, in the spirit of equality and the
E.R.A. movement, cheating is no longer a largely male endeavor; in fact, women have been hard at work closing
that statistical gap since the 1960s.
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Getting caught isn't such a big deal anymore either. Granted, in Michigan adultery is technically still on
the books as first-degree criminal sexual conduct, a felony punishable by up to life in prison, while in some
Middle Eastern countries (namely Iran) the same crime can result in being stoned to death. However, these are
the exceptions, not the rules. In truth, unless you're in politics or the clergy, the worst punishment
awaiting most wow gold cheaters is not criminal but moral. And if you're
cheating, morals aren't a big priority to begin with.
On that bright note, we present 2 things you didn't know about cheating.
Ovulation is a hell of a time for a woman. She feels sexier. She may dress more provocatively -- in tighter
clothes or fewer clothes -- than at another time of the month. In an evolutionary scheme this makes good
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effort to propagate the species, she's at her most fertile and flirtatious at the very same time. But
shouldn't this instinct shut down when the woman is in a relationship?
Of course not; her genetic code has no idea she's in a relationship, has no idea what that wedding ring
means. In fact, results from a University of New Mexico study published in the esteemed Proceedings of the
Royal Society suggest a strong link between ovulation (i.e., female fertility) and a heightened interest in
men other than her spouse.
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